Bure House, Rectory Road
Horstead, Norwich
01603 736487
Brow Lift

Brow-liftBrowlift surgery is a procedure to elevate droopy brows, which can occur due to age, muscle paralysis or injury. It is rare to perform this procedure for wrinkling in frown and forehead areas since the widespread availability of botox brow lift and dermal fillers.

We provide both non-surgical browlift and surgical brow lift and do not push you towards surgery if it is not in your best interest.

What happens with age?

Brow sag, volume loss in brow area, temples, hyperdynamic wrinkles due to excess muscle activity and excess eyelid skin.

Changes in brow position can account for tired appearance of the eyes. In such cases brow lifting is the right option as it treats the cause of the problem. Some patients may not even notice this but only notice drooping eyelids.

Eyelids may show changes too and in some patients best results are obtained with a combination treatment.

Brow position changes due to –

1] Volume loss in the upper face.

2] Skin laxity due to age, sun-damage, genetics and lifestyle issues.

3] Muscle action- overactive frown muscles can pull the eyebrows down.

We offer following brow and upper face treatment options

1] Fat transfer or safe dermal fillers to address volume loss in the upper face, forehead and temples

2] Laser skin resurfacing for addressing skin ageing

3] Browlift surgery to elevate and reposition dropped eyebrows-

4] Botulinum toxin injections for non-surgical browlifting.

How is brow-lift surgery performed?

We perform brow lifting in a few different ways

1] Suture lift or thread lift

Here we can use absorbable or non-absorbable threads to hold the raised eyebrows in position. No incisions or knives are used. The disadvantage is that it can take a few weeks for the skin dimpling to settle down and it is not as effective or long lasting as a surgical brow-lift.

2] Mini-open browlift

This operation can be considered to be a facelift for the upper face. A skin incision is made in the hair line so that it will be hidden. Skin is lifted from the underlying muscles, excess of skin is trimmed and stitched back in place resulting in lifted eyebrow position.

3] Temporal browlift.

This is suitable for most patients because outer brow is the area most affected by sagging skin. This is due to lack of underlying muscle support. An incision is make just inside of or just below the hairline, underlying tissue is mobilised and excess skin is removed and stiches are placed in or just below the hairline. The scars generally are very well hidden and aesthetic.

4] Direct browlift

This procedure is mainly suitable for older men, patients with heavy brows or high foreheads or frontal baldness which makes it difficut to hide scars. Here the skin directly above the brows is removed and brows are lifted up and stitched in new position. The scar once healed is well camouflaged but not hidden by hairline and may be more conspicuous that in other methods.

Brow lifts can be combined with eyelid treatment at the same time if required.

Eyelid Skin excess

This can treated with a madonna lift if mid to moderate and eyelid skin removal [blepharoplasty] if severe. Doctors who do not offer lasers rely on surgery only.  

Call 01603 736487 or contact us to arrange your appointment


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